"In Profile"
Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) People Photo of the Day 5/30/09

"Urban Adventure"
Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) People Photo of the Day 5/29/09

Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) Black and White Photo of the Day 5/15/09

"A Boy and His Dog"
Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) Photo Art Photo of the Day 5/15/09

Better Photo (www.betterphoto.com) Finalist in the Theme Category (Backyard) April 2009
Better Photo (http://www.betterphoto.com/) Finalist in the People Category April 2009

"One Day"
Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) Black and White Photo of the Day 5/4/09

Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) People Photo of the Day 4/30/09

One of my all time favorite images, and it won at a few different sites...
Digital Image Cafe (http://www.digitalimagecafe.com/) People Photo of the Day 3/19/09 (and second place in the people category for Photo of the Month)
Shutterbugs (http://www.shutterbugs.biz/) Theme (Magic Light) Photo of the Day 4/3/09
Better Photo (http://www.betterphoto.com/) Finalist in the People Category March 2009
Wow! All outstanding and deserving! I enjoyed seeing your winners all together. Karol
Thank you Karol :-)
Tressie...amazing, as always. They are lovely, be proud of yourself. I do have a question...how on EARTH did you get that shot of Dom shooting? Were you suspended from the ceiling or something???
Thanks for sharing!
Amy Stanchina
Thanks Amy! I was standing on a little board straddled between the backboard supports and leaning over the top of the backboard....um, I know I have issues LOL, I still can't believe I did it! Thanks again for your comment :-)
Okay....you may be obsessed to the point of issues....but WOW is it paying off!!! Tressie, your work is stunning. Seriously. This is wear photography blurs into art. As with everything, you put your heart into it and it shows.
Thanks so much Vicki, love you and miss you!
i love your photos!
i do photography too, but i can't be a photographer because i'm a little to young (17)
but e certantly wanna be as good as you some day ^-^
love your work
my pictures are at www.netlog.com/sushaa_
maybe you want to see them and give me tips? :D
i practice all the time
Thank you Tineke! I saw your gallery on DA, you do beautiful work already :-)
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